Say goodbye to misbehaviour and

hello to parenting bliss...

Right now you’re at the end of your rope.

You’ve followed all the advice, Googled ‘til your eyes crossed, tried every Pinterest-inspired “hack” you can find, but still your kid... having massive meltdowns.

...has totally lost their “listening ears”. rude and ignores you.

...keeps lashing out.

...can’t handle change. destructive and defiant.

You keep being told you need to “set better boundaries,” be more “consistent,” and engage your child in more “structured learning activities,”


…your child can’t seem to make it 5 minutes without testing your boundaries and you’re barely keeping it together long enough to get through the daycare carpool lane.

Despite your efforts and desire for peaceful parenting—it’s dissolved to simply surviving the day. 

If you feel like it’s too late to turn things around at this point here’s a surprising fact you’re probably missing:

Children do well if they can, and if they aren't it's because they don't have the skills to.

That means you’re not raising some untameable Darth Vader and it’s not too late to get their behaviour on track.

If all the interventions in the world aren’t improving your child’s behaviour—it’s for one simple reason:

Your child needs to learn to use one or more of the eight core mental skills (a.k.a: executive functioning skills) required to think, feel, and act sensibly.

Without these skills your child can’t stay calm, remember directions, or build lasting friendships.

The challenge is that your child wasn’t born with these skills.

But they can learn them!

introducing the

ParentAbility Membership Program logo

ParentAbility will teach you how to equip your child with the tools their minds need to be calm, independent, and listen.

Imagine being able to correct your child's behaviour without massive meltdowns or losing your ever-loving mind!

Children WANT to do well when they face demands and challenges. But, they often just don’t know-how. 

It’s our job as parents to help them build the skills for knockout behaviour.

The ParentAbility program shows you how to build those skills in them.

Building these skills works...

With ParentAbility, your family can look forward to:

Are you nodding your head saying, “YES, I need this!”

Then here’s how you get started...

Step One:

Register for the free workshop How to Get Your Kids to Listen and End Tantrums Without Stickers, Counting to 3, or Losing your Shit

In the class you’ll learn:

  • How to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes every parent makes that are causing your child to misbehave more.
  • The secret to knowing when and how your child will misbehave before it even happens.
  • My 3-factor framework for raising calm, independent kids who listen.


You’ll be invited to learn more about ParentAbility and how the membership program can help stop the downward spiral of yelling, sticker charts, time outs, and 1-2-3s to try to get your child to behave...

When you join you’ll gain full access to the online learning portal full of video training and resources, including…

  • The Skills Section
  • The Stress Section
  • The Thinking Section
  • The ParentAbility community available on iOS, Android, and the web
  • Three Monthly Coaching Calls with Parenting Coach Allana Robinson

PLUS: Gain access to over $1000 worth of exclusive training and resources only available to members of ParentAbility including the parent-favourite The Big Kid Action Plan to help older siblings improve their skills too! 

All of these core training, coaching, and bonuses add up to $5,900+ in value, but you can gain access to everything today for $227 per month!

(Looking to save some money? You’ll have the option to check out the annual subscription as well!)

Give us six months and you’ll see massive improvements. If not- you’re free to cancel!


Implement what you learn and breathe a sigh of relief as your child’s behaviour goes from unmanageable to self-regulated, and your parenting goes from stressed and reactive to self-assured and impactful.

“But you don’t know my child…”

Are you thinking this program could never work for YOU?

Because you’re too busy?

Because your child is “so out of control?”

Because you’ve tried other “gentle” ways before?

Here’s what I can tell you: 

My program has worked for HUNDREDS of families from many different countries and many different backgrounds. It can work for you, too!

Now you can equip your child with the skills they need to be awesome human beings. You’ll gain the system, tools, and support you need to parent with more confidence.

After the free class, you’ll see how my unique strategies are made to create a lasting impact on your parenting and do a complete 180 on your child’s misbehaviour then you’ll get an invite to check out ParentAbility!

How do I know ParentAbility can work for you?

Hi, I’m Allana Robinson. Mom to two wonderful kids and a Parenting Coach for parents of toddlers and preschoolers. I specialize in helping you understand why your child is misbehaving and what to do about it without stickers, counting to 3, or losing your shit.

Using the knowledge and resources I’ve gained as a Registered Early Childhood Educator and Developmental Specialist, I put together ParentAbility to give parents an easy-to-digest, simple to implement, and wildly supportive program that will completely change how you view your child, how you parent, and therefore—your child’s behaviour. 

The most important thing I’ve learned over the years is that to inspire change in our children we need to change how we function as parents and I look forward to helping you on your journey to a happier, healthier relationship with your child!

It’s time to ditch the overwhelm, yelling, and chaos.

Join the hundreds of families the ParentAbility program has already helped to transform their child’s behaviour.

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