How to Get Your Kids to Listen and End Tantrums Without Stickers, Counting to 3, or Losing your Shit

a free class for frustrated exhausted overwhelmed burnt out parents

Most parents would say they parent with common sense...

It's easy to feel overwhelmed.

The tantrums and meltdowns. The nagging and negotiating. The bribes and timeouts. It wasn’t supposed to be this way! How did your little bundle of joy turn you into a big bundle of nerves?

If you’re ready to try something new, I’m here to help. My uncommon sense child-centred approach to behaviour management is a game-changer for frustrated, sleep-deprived, and time-starved parents around the world.

I’ve taught hundreds of parents how to raise confident, capable, independent children—with a lot less stress and a lot more joy.

My parenting program—ParentAbility—can work for you and your family, too!

ParentAbility Membership Program

Now you can equip your child with the skills they need to be awesome human beings.

Children WANT to do well when they face demands and challenges. But, they often lack the necessary skills. It’s our job as parents to help them build a foundation that supports their good behaviour.

The ParentAbility membership program does exactly that.

It will teach you how to equip your child with the tools their minds need to be competent, confident and well-behaved.

Join the HUNDREDS of families ParentAbility has worked for—learn how it can work for you, too!

Looking for parenting help right now?

Here are my best freebies to get you started!

sometimes you need a posse!

So, who am I?

I’m a Parenting Coach for parents of toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners and I specialize in helping you understand why your child is misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, sticker charts, or counting to 3. I’m also Mom to two wonderful kids. 

Using the knowledge and resources I’ve gained as a Registered Early Childhood Educator and Developmental Specialist, I put together ParentAbility to give parents an easy to digest, simple to implement, and wildly supportive program that will completely change how you view your child, how you parent, and therefore your child’s behaviour. 

The most important thing I’ve learned over the years is that to inspire change in our children we need to change how we function as parents. I look forward to helping you on your journey to a happier, healthier relationship with your child!

– Allana Robinson

What parents are saying...

“Whenever I have a specific need or something I need to work through, Allana is always there to offer solutions or a game plan.”

Andrea Brophy

I love that there are multiple ways to learn and dive in to her material. Her resources are excellent. I just feel completely taken care of and that is invaluable. Whenever I have a specific need or something I need to work through, Allana is always there to offer solutions or a game plan. She takes as much time as you need to relate and make you feel like you’re not alone in this crazy child rearing world. I value that she teaches skill building. Not just cheap fixes to problems.

Andrea Brophy ​​​- mom of kindergartner and toddler in the United States

“Getting advice from Allana is like getting advice from your seasoned mom friend...”

Tiffany Brewer

Getting advice from Allana is like getting advice from your seasoned mom friend who just happens to have the exact same parenting style as you, and is also knowledgeable in child development. I am so thankful I was referred to Allana.

Tiffany Brewer​​ - mom of a toddler and preschooler in the USA

“Finally, with Allana's coaching and using her fantastic and simple methods, we are admiring our son who is mastering his executive functioning skills every day.”


I can’t thank Allana enough for providing my family with the tools we desperately needed to succeed! We went through months and months of worrying about our son’s challenging behaviour and having no idea how to help him. We were overwhelmed and confused and needed to find another way that didn’t include yelling or time outs.

Finally with Allana’s coaching and using her fantastic and simple methods, we are admiring our wonderful son who is mastering his executive functioning skills every day. The change has been night and day. And when behaviours do happen, we now know exactly how to deal with them. I highly recommend joining PA, it’s a game changer.

Monica - mom of a preschooler and infant in Canada

“ regards to their negative behaviours, I have a few things now in my toolbox that I can bring out at a moments notice and they work.”


I was worried about the time involved and having a busy life could I keep making sure I am putting all the advice into practice. I find I have an idea on how to achieve better results for my kids when I’m struggling with something in regards to their negative behaviours, I have a few things now in my toolbox that I can bring out at a moments notice and they work. I recommend this program because it helps, because she knows her stuff. She’s there at the end of her keyboard always knowing the right words to say to you and when you’re struggling with a strong willed 6, 4 and 2 year old.

Emma Naufts - mom of 3 in Canada

Ever been stuck like a deer in the headlights thinking “What exactly do I SAY in this situation?!” when your child is misbehaving?

Let me give you the words to turn it around with my free Parenting Power Phrases mini-course!

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