If you’re a stressed out parent tired of not being able to get their child to listen (and tired of time outs that don’t seem to phase your child one bit), scroll down for a jam packed bundle offer that will help!
Read it in 30 minutes or less and start implementing consequences that actually make your child THINK about their behaviour and CHANGE IT!
Why is my parenting advice “Uncommon Sense?” This guide delivers the core pillars you need to know that will rock your parenting world and literally change EVERYTHING.
Remembering what to do in the moment when learning a new parenting technique can be hard! This beautiful printable cheat sheet will help keep you on track when tensions are running high.
A huge library of activities to help young children calm down, regulate, and stay that way! Calm isn't the same thing as quiet, and teaching kids to calm down seems impossible- unless you have this list!
Yes! This is a one-time purchase with no recurring fees. These resources are yours to keep and use forever.
After purchase you’ll receive an email with your log-in information to our members portal where you’ll be able to access your bundle purchase any time.
Seeing as these are printable, downloadable resources- all sales are final for this bundle.
These resources are aimed at being used with children 2-6 years old. That said- kids don’t become an alien species when they turn 7. The basic principles of these resources still apply to older school-aged children, however some of the activities may need to be tweaked to appeal to an older audience.
Absolutely! Support applying these resources is available in the Parenting Posse Facebook group (you’ll be invited to join after purchase!)
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